Carl Lowder

Project Manager

Growing up in the South, Carl spent most of his childhood outdoors where he developed an appreciation and love for nature. Carl found himself wondering, questioning, sketching, and studying nature, from its wildlife to its landscapes. In high school, he began sketching buildings and placing them into landscapes. He excelled in art, math, and science-based subjects that led him to Louisiana State University. Carl’s passion for architecture began during an environmental conservation course where he began to contemplate the impact of buildings on nature and how to create a more sustainable environment. Architecture encompasses all aspects of Carl’s interests where he can use his artistic, mathematical, scientific, and environmental skills to create architecture that is sensitively integrated with nature.  

Carl graduated from LSU with a Masters of Architecture and spent a couple years practicing in New Orleans before joining Ward + Blake Architects in Jackson, Wyoming. He has developed a passion for living in the mountains and become an avid Skier. He is an advocate of architecture that is conscious of nature and sympathetic to our environment. He holds close the idea that architecture can enhance the quality of life for living things, human and non-human. Carl lives by the quote, “No house should ever be on a hill or on anything. It should be of the hill. Belonging to it. Hill and house should live together each the happier for the other." - Frank Llyod Wright